Sunday, November 28, 2010

World of Weeping

Now that Cataclysm is amongst us, I have been seriously considering going back to that wretched game, despite a very strong argument pointing out why it's an awful idea. What can I say, I want me some of that troll druid action.

Click for larger trolls
As you can see my characters are not boxes. I have decided to make a bit of a change, we shall see how it goes.

So all apologies for the update-drought that has been afflicting this blog lately, I have been worked to the bones with all sorts of plays and essays, and essays about plays. I will attempt to try to update at least weekly until things get back in order, so please bear with me.

Now sit back and enjoy this image of the world's largest land based crab.

Its diet consists of coconuts and human kidneys.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sparrows, and the machinations that consume them

Well shoot, I haven't been here in a while.

But I have good reason!

I've been incredibly busy, and will most likely continue to be incredibly busy, but at the moment I have a temporary reprieve, so here I am.

Remember when I decided to write that short story? Yeah well that didn't happen. Not only was I not completely satisfied with the concept, but I simply did not have enough time. But I do have an idea for a project that I would like to start and hopefully someday finish. It shall be known as:

And it shall be a collection of several very short stories that I have had kicking around my head for a while. They will mainly function as ways for me to get some of these ideas down on paper so I can see which ones are worth expanding on. The three I have lined up so far are:

A fantasy story set in a modern world (you never see those!)

A sci-fi story about a human ambassador who bonds with a plant like alien

A horror story about something that I'm not too sure of yet

I will get started on these as soon as possible, but don't expect them any time soon. I'm going to be busy with school for the next couple of months, so work on these will be slow at best. But know that I will finish them. 

And they will rock.