Monday, August 30, 2010

In which man-bags are discussed.

Personally, I often carry a man-bag, although it is a burly Think-Geek Bag of Holding, so I am usually not accused of being a very strange looking woman. Others however, may not share my luck.

Click for larger version

As you can see, I have somehow found the audacity to draw a comic. As I have previously stated, I can basically only draw dinosaurs and boxes, and since one of those is already taken, I was stuck with the one that remained. 

My new schedule shall be a blog post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a box-centric comic every Monday and Friday. Hopefully I can stick to this, and hopefully I can start doing my comics in pen, SO YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THEM.

In other news:

  • I haven't been working on THE TEMPLE as much as I would like, but now that I have a clear idea of where I want the story to go it should be much smoother sailing.
  • I am going back to school on Thursday (final year of high school), which should be interesting.
  • I am playing Braid, and it is rending my mind in twain. I enjoy it!
  • Thinking of getting Metroid: Other M. I love Metroid, but I hate Team Ninja, so I guess we just have to see which emotion can overpower the other.
  • I bought a new coat today, which for me is a big deal. If you wear a coat enough it becomes part of your identity; it acts as a constant in an ever-changing wardrobe. This is especially true when you live in Canada, where coats are required to protect you from the doom-hail


  1. I think more man-bags should be used by men. Only a real man can wear a man-bag with dignity and manliness. Just like the colour pink.

    O and I think you should comment on MY blog as I do yours o so frequently~

  2. That was incredibly subtle and tactful of you.

    Also, I'm not too sure how one could wear a man-bag with "manliness."

    I assume it's by dressing as a lumberjack and fighting everyone who tries to talk to you.

  3. I can wear pink well, and not in a feminine, metrosexual way (I think :S)

    But a man-bag? That can be as manly as Cloris Leachmen is moist: Not very.
