Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dungeons May or May Not Contain Dragons

I'm gearin' to go back to school. I can't stand being cooped up inside the house, like an elderly parrot inside a cage. I'm ready to partake in learning.

I am a very inexperienced Dungeons and Dragons player, but I have seen enough of the game to know it's something I would like to do much more often. While many may be quick to dismiss the game because of the social stigma it is associated with, they don't know what they're missing out on. This is a game where you are actually living inside of another person, saying what they would say and doing what they would do. You have to improvise constantly, and creative solutions are always rewarded. I think anyone who wants to be a writer, actor, or any kind of artist should try it at least once, it's an experience unlike any other.

I was thinking of picking up a D&D Essentials Starter Set when it comes out next week, and seeing if anyone in my improv club at school would want to try it out. The good thing about the Starter Set is that it's perfect for beginners, with simplified rules that ease new players into the game, while still delivering a fun experience. It would also give me a chance to run a game as a DM, something I've wanted to do for a long time.

On an unrelated note, my drawing skills are slowly getting better, and I have discovered the wonder that is T. S. Eliot's poetry. The urge to go back to the destroyer of souls has been strong lately, but with luck I'll pull through. I fear that if it claims me again, I will never escape.



  1. Is the bolded part a 'hint-hint' that I should perchance join in your D&D adventure?

  2. It wasn't very subtle, was it?

    But yeah, at least try it out. I will make a point to cater it towards the tastes of my players, so don't worry about the whole fantasy part of it.
