Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The future is a worrisome place

You may have noticed I completely redesigned this whole mess, even the URL!!! I think this better reflects the tone and style I am going for with this blog, and I am quite pleased with it indeed. I even have a new comic for you guys, my first real one done with my tablet! It touches on a very sensitive topic, the total replacement of your blood with caffeine. It happens every day you know.

Every day some guy has his blood replaced with caffeine.

Click for larger caffeine
Things have been hectic as of late, and things will only increase in hecticity as time goes on, so I apologize in advance if my schedule cannot be strictly maintained. You have been warned, so brace yourself. Brace yourself well.

In stranger news, I'm now mayor of my school in foursquare, so I guess that means I can do whatever I want now. No more homework for me, teachers; not for Mister Mayor! And soda in the water fountains wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

In stranger news still, I will be attending scream fest on Friday, and I am looking forward to an evening of spooks and thrills! No really, I think I may die of fright. I am a nervous person in even the most non-terrifying situations, so being in an environment where people dressed as serial killers are literally lurking behind every corner may not be great for my health. I better bring some Median.