Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Scottish Scones

Today was the first Macbeth read through, and despite much stumbling and horses eating each other, we managed to pull through. Then I went home and drew this, my masterpiece:


I guess my life's work is done.

I have been having a great conversation with a great person, which has so far taken place over twitter, text, and spoken word, thus making it extra-great. We apparently have much in common; we both share turbulent childhoods, we have similar interests and aspirations, and we have a similar taste in fine wine (we both agree '62 was a very good year). She is also pretty good at giving advice, and has already helped me with a few tricky situations, including how to safely hide all of these diamonds I stole.

Apparently gluing them to a skull is the way to go.

So all in all it has been a pretty good day. I'm still a bit nervous about singing in the play, due to having never sung anything before, ever. I'm sure I'll do fine though, as long as I can manage to hit the high notes without my voice cracking.

Oh yeah, a friend of mine has taken to picking me up and carrying me around like a child. It was initially terrifying, but now it's only slightly bothersome. Maybe someday I will grow to enjoy it.

Probably not.

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