Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Fey Mood

Today I thought about the end of the universe.

One day, probably a long time from now, the universe will end. Everything inside of it will be ripped apart as it pops like a bubble. And literally everything humanity or any other civilization has ever done will be rendered meaningless. Everything we create will eventually be destroyed. Not a very happy thought.

After contemplating this for a bit I started feeling incredibly depressed. "What is the point?" I thought to myself, "If everything will be destroyed then why should we bother doing anything at all?"

After moping around for a bit I was forced to put on a smile and work with some friends for an English project. After school, when I was walking to my bus, I realized that I had completely forgotten the end of the universe. And for the last hour and a half I had been happy.

And at that moment, surrounded by the beautiful buildings of downtown Calgary, inhaling the air recently freshened by rain, I was very happy.

I wondered "How I could possibly be this happy, when everything I do lacks any sort of meaning?"

Then it came to me: I can't do anything about the end of universe, so why should I worry about it?

Sure, in a few billion years the universe will burst like an overinflated balloon, but it's not like we can stop that. We are destined to oblivion no matter how much we complain about it. As long as we're here, in this little slice of the void we like to call Earth, we may as well enjoy the time we have.

And enjoy it I shall.

Also, I tried the Final Fantasy XIV beta, and it left me stalwartly unimpressed.

1 comment:

  1. I had a code for a closed beta before this one came out. I am not regretting not using it
